Advice from the doctor: what makes the liver sick and what helps it

That harms him liver

medication – they are broken down in the liver, but their breakdown capacity is limited. An overdose can cause irreparable damage to the liver.

environmental toxins – such as solvents, halogenated hydrocarbons, plasticizers, many organic and inorganic chemicals put a strain on the liver.

alcohol – is a cell toxin that is also broken down in the liver. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to cirrhosis of the liver over time.

So much alcohol is allowed
Rule of thumb for men: no more than two small beers or one large glass of wine per day. Women shouldn’t drink more than half that amount, a small beer or glass of wine at most.

Fat and plentiful food – leads to obesity and thus to fatty liver. Poor liver values ​​are usually the result. It is estimated that 30 to 40 percent of the population in western industrialized countries are affected by fatty liver. The regression of a fatty liver to an inconspicuous, healthy liver is possible.

The liver is too risks of infection exposed: hepatitis (= liver inflammation). The hepatitis virus nests in the liver cells and causes inflammation. Some forms heal, others can become chronic with the development of cirrhosis.

In general, it can be said with hepatitis B, D and C that the disease is due to blood-blood contacts. In the case of hepatitis B, mainly through sexual intercourse or transmission from mother to child (Asia, Africa), in the case of hepatitis C, nowadays mainly through unhygienic injection practices, drug use and, more rarely, sexual intercourse.

Hepatitis A and E – typical travel souvenirs

“Cook it, peel it or forget it”: Strictly following this rule can significantly reduce the risk of infection. That means: Uncooked food and unpeeled fruit should be avoided at all costs. Although forms A and E hepatitis can be severe, it usually resolves on its own. You can protect yourself against hepatitis A by vaccination.

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