Advent wreath: Five tips to keep it fresh for a long time

Watch the video: Five tips to keep your Advent wreath fresh for a long time.

For most people, an Advent wreath is part of the pre-Christmas season.

But the more candles burn on the wreath, the drier our fir green becomes.

Here are 5 tips to keep your Advent decorations fresh for as long as possible.

1. Straw Base The wreath should have a straw base. The straw absorbs moisture and later releases it to the coniferous branches.

2. Robust fir tree The choice of fir greenery has a big influence on the durability of the candle arrangement. A robust fir is best suited – such as a Nordmann or Noble fir.

3. Location Dry air and high temperatures ensure rapid drying out. This is often unavoidable indoors in winter. However, the wreath should not be placed near the fireplace or heater.

4. Change of location At night it is worth putting the wreath out. The cool temperatures on the balcony or terrace help keep the greenery fresh. Even before the wreath is used, it should be stored as cool as possible, for example outside or in the basement.

5. Watering Spraying the fir branches regularly with water slows down the drying out of the Advent decorations.

If you follow these tips, you can enjoy the green until all four candles burn.

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