Adriana Chechik: Ex-porn star breaks her back on Twitchcon

Ex-porn star Adriana Chechik breaks her back in two places at a trade fair

At Twitchcon, the Amazon subsidiary’s in-house exhibition, there were several accidents – ex-porn actress Adriana Chechik was among the injured.

© Kay Blake / Imago Images

With a courageous jump into a foam pool, former adult actress Adriana Chechik broke her back in two places at Lenovo’s Twitchcon booth over the weekend. She raises serious allegations against the organizer, and other injuries quickly reported.

In the San Diego Convention Center, California, everyone who has a reputation on Amazon’s streaming platform Twitch met last weekend. What most guests will probably have bad memories of is the booth of Lenovo and Intel. Because in the so-called “Legion Face Off” you could – like in the cult series “American Gladiator” – duel on small platforms with padded sticks until you fall into the foam pool below.

However, that foam pool was fatal for the participants. Apparently, the organizer had insufficiently padded the hard floor. This led to ex-porn actress Adriana Chechik, among others, suffering serious injuries.

“I can not get up”

After the 30-year-old managed to push her opponent off the podium, she jumped happily onto the foam blocks. However, Chechik must have landed exactly between the few cushions, because after landing she complains that she can no longer move. She complains, “I can’t get up,” and cowers. Calls for first aiders follow.

Apparently, the organizers did not take Chechik’s complaints seriously at first, which is why the injured person later thanked a nurse via Twitter, who had alerted those responsible to the severity of the injury after the accident.

Adriana Chechik later shared her diagnosis with the public: Her back was broken in two places, and she received a long bar along her spine for stabilization, which is necessary for healing. A day later, Chechik reports with a first conclusion: “Last night was terrible. The pain I had was so bad that I would rather have died. It’s going to be really bad.”

Short statement, advertising on Twitter

Chechik makes serious allegations against the organizer Lenovo. She is asking for a public statement as to why the locals said it was safe to jump in the foam bath. Lenovo explained to “Kotaku” that it had closed the stand after the incident and that it wanted to clarify the incident with those affected.

Twitch and Lenovo are now facing many cases. Streamer “LochVaness” was also seriously injured and sprained his knee. A “Chris Rick’s” also reported and complained after falling into the pool that his back hurt. Photos of other injured people who have not yet spoken personally are circulating on Twitter.

The official channels of Twitch and Lenovo are so far free of any opinion or explanation. On the contrary: on Twitter published Lenovo countless videos and pictures of the event and writes what a great success it was. A request from starHow the incidents are now being dealt with has so far remained unanswered.

source: kotaku

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