Adorable video: polar bear siblings play in ice tub

Watch the video: Adorable Video – Young polar bear half sisters play in a tub of ice.

These two young polar bears are having lots of fun together in the ice pool.

Seven-year-old Nora and six-year-old Amelia Gray are half-sisters.

The video, released by the Oregon Zoo in Pennsylvania, shows the two playing together on the ice.

Apparently they love to roll in the ice.

Both sisters were born at the Columbus Zoo in Ohio as part of an endangered species conservation program.

At the age of 10 months, Nora was taken to the Oregon Zoo. Here she was supposed to keep a 31-year-old polar bear company, whose brother had previously died.

Last year, Amelia Gray also came to Oregon. And although the two never met, they quickly became friends.

“Mating polar bears together can prove to be a very difficult task. However, the two made it clear that they wanted to be together.” — Amy Cutting, zoo employee vs. SWNS

The two sisters will help the Oregon Zoo to better understand the eating habits and calorie needs of polar bears.

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