“Add a sweater”, the (very) awkward response from Crous to students in the face of the cold

It made a few laugh at first before getting completely disillusioned. And it is true that the response of Crous made to Bordeaux students confronted with heating problems in their residence may seem lunar: “Add a pull”, the organization simply wrote in an email dated October 14th.

At that time, the students of the Pierre et Marie Curie residence, located in Talence in the suburbs of Bordeaux, multiplied the requests for interventions at the Crous after several radiator malfunctions in the building. Some barely heat up while others remain totally cold, precise
France Blue. “While waiting (to solve this problem), it is not necessary to make requests for interventions. Add a sweater! », Answers the Crous precisely.

“The wording of this sentence was not appropriate”

He specifies in passing that “the internal regulations, for safety reasons, prohibit the installation of an auxiliary radiator in the accommodation”. Faced with the controversy, the CROUS regrets to the local radio for having suggested to the students to put on a sweater: “the wording of this sentence was not appropriate. “It also promises maintenance interventions.

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