Adam Tooze in an interview with Ukraine: “Any compromise will be dirty” – Kultur

Interviewed by

Moritz Baumsteiger

The economic historian Adam Tooze is British, teaches at Columbia University in New York – but speaks fluent German because he grew up in Heidelberg. And the 55-year-old also gives an interview in this language, at breakfast after his arrival on the first flight from Berlin in the morning, before his appearance at the conference “Fragile Democracies 1923/1933/2023”, which the NS-Document Center Munich in organized in Munich. In addition to teaching and research, Tooze advises politicians on both sides of the Atlantic, tweets frequently, runs a podcast and writes a widely read newsletter. After the outbreak of the Ukraine war wrote das New York Magazine Therefore, in view of his workload: “Who has had less sleep in the past few weeks – Putin or Tooze?”

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