Adam Sandler: 90s hit “Happy Gilmore” is coming back

Adam Sandler
90s hit “Happy Gilmore” is coming back

Returns as “Happy Gilmore”: Adam Sandler

© imago images/Allstar

When will he hit the golf ball again? Adam Sandler and Netflix have confirmed the sequel to the 90s cult hit Happy Gilmore.

Happy Gilmore 2 is officially on the way! As Netflix confirmed, will Adam Sandler (57) will “reprise his iconic role in a brand new film,” the streaming service said on Wednesday on X. Almost 30 years after the release of the original film in 1996, Sandler returns to the screens as a golfer in the guise of an ice hockey crack.

Box office grossed $41 million

Sandler co-wrote, produced and starred in the original 1996 film. With the title character Happy Gilmore, who is both idiosyncratic and likeable, Sandler played a would-be hockey player from New England. He accidentally finds out that he can also earn a lot of money playing golf with his ice hockey swing. He urgently needs the prize money to save his grandmother’s house from foreclosure. Thanks to his signature hockey-style swing and the help of former pro “Chubbs” Peterson (Carl Weathers), he suddenly finds success on the golf course. Weathers died in February at age 76. The film, which premiered in German cinemas on May 30, 1996, grossed more than $41 million worldwide.

Drew Barrymore confirms sequel

Gilmore’s big opponent in the film was the conventional golf professional Shooter McGavin, played by Christopher McDonald (69). He confirmed in March that Sandler was working on a sequel to the hit film: “I saw Adam about two weeks ago and he said to me, ‘McDonald, you’re going to love this.’ I said, ‘What?’ He said, ‘How about this?’ and he showed me the first draft of ‘Happy Gilmore 2,'” the actor added.

In April, Sandler’s good friend Drew Barrymore (49) revealed that she had texted the actor about the possible sequel. At the time, she discussed McDonald’s comments on her “The Drew Barrymore Show.” “Are you kidding me? I want it, I need it, and I stayed up with my daughter last night watching ‘Billy Madison,'” the actress said, referencing another classic from Sandler’s ’90s comedies there. “I sent Sandler a video of it. And then he sent me another video back. Now I’m waiting to see if he confirms the script for ‘Happy Gilmore 2,'” Barrymore said in April. And a little later she added: “Breaking news has just come in, let’s say from my source, that the script is in the works.” She probably received an answer from Sandler himself at the time. “There is a process and that process is underway.”

Sandler is practicing and threatening again

In a video released by the PGA Tour on X was shared, Sandler is seen on a golf green armed with a huge driver. In the video he threatens his old adversary: ​​”It’s been 25 years since I did that. Let’s see what happens, I’m scared! Shooter McGavin, this is for you!” Then comes a monstrous shot and Sandler’s announcement to the camera: “That went pretty well, you’re dead, shooter!” Happy Gilmore fans can’t wait for the two to duel on the green again.


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