Actress: Katharina Wackernagel: “I like being single”

Katharina Wackernagel: “I like being single”

Actress Katharina Wackernagel loves her freedom. Photo: picture alliance / Georg Wendt/dpa

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Not looking: “Stralsund” actress Katharina Wackernagel is solo and happy about it. Despite this, she does not rule out falling in love again.

Actress Katharina Wackernagel (“Stralsund”) is not looking for a permanent relationship. “I like being single and I actually think it’s great,” said the 43-year-old in an interview with the magazine “Bunte”.

“Being single doesn’t mean not having sex. In fact, I think some single people have more sex than some couples.” She never wanted to have children and start a family.

Nevertheless, she does not want to rule out a relationship either, Wackernagel said. “I go through the world with open eyes and I really want to fall in love again. I would also get involved with a new man.” However, in her own words, she does not dare to use dating apps. “I wouldn’t get a word out for embarrassment.”

The actress and director became known for her leading role in the youth series “Tanja” (1997-2000). In the new edition of the crime comedy “Murder with a View”, Wackernagel will play inspector Marie Gabler from March.


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