Activism: Dangerous fight for the environment: 177 conservationists killed

Dangerous fight for the environment: 177 conservationists killed

The Amazon region around Manaus in Brazil. Activists who campaign against the agricultural industry, mining and logging, in particular, live dangerous lives. photo

© Jens Büttner/dpa

Anyone who opposes certain interests lives dangerously. In Latin America in particular, environmentalists often find themselves in the crosshairs – even though they are considered essential in the fight against climate change.

Last year, according to the non-governmental organization Global Witness 177 environmentalists killed. The most dangerous country for conservationists was Colombia, followed by Brazil and Mexico, the group said at the launch of its annual report. 88 percent of all murders were registered in Latin America.

Activists who campaign against the agricultural industry, mining and logging, in particular, live dangerous lives. Most killings are never solved, the organization reported. “Those responsible for deadly attacks on activists have gone unpunished for far too long. The world’s governments must urgently stop the senseless killing of those defending our planet by protecting the ecosystems that play a critical role in addressing the climate crisis “said a spokeswoman for Global Witness, Shruti Suresh.

According to the group, 1,910 activists were killed between 2012 and 2022 – that’s one murder every two days. Indigenous people in particular are repeatedly targeted: they make up over a third of the victims, even though they only represent five percent of the world’s population.


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