Action in France: strikes for higher inflation compensation

Status: 18.10.2022 1:30 p.m

Left-leaning unions in France have called for a nationwide strike in various sectors. It is about inflation compensation and the situation in the refineries and at the gas stations.

By Cai Rienäcker, ARD Studio Paris

An announcement at the Saint-Lazare train station in Paris warns travelers that not all trains are running because of the strikes. Standing in front of one of the monitors showing the arrival and departure times is Edouard, who works for a company in Strasbourg and is traveling on to Normandy: “I’m waiting for the train to Rouen. So far it hasn’t been late. So let’s pray it stays that way. “

A few meters further, Sabrine looks back and forth between the displays on the platform and her mobile phone. Although the train cancellations make life difficult for her, she doesn’t blame the striking train drivers: “I can understand that in terms of salaries.” Evelyne, another passer-by, is on her way to a seminar. She supports the strikes: “It’s always the ordinary people who have to pay for the consequences. But there are good reasons for the strikes. And maybe it’s time for France to wake up.”

Compensation for high inflation

All French people feel the loss of purchasing power. There is a lot of understanding among the strike-experienced commuters, especially since the disturbances are limited today. There are fewer regional trains than usual, there are cancellations on the Paris S-Bahn and bus services, but the operation of the Paris Metro is almost normal.

The other selective strikes are not so noticeable. Truck drivers, vocational school teachers and daycare workers had announced that they would join the protests by the far-left CGT trade union. Other more moderate unions are not participating.

The CGT has been on strike at oil refineries and fuel depots for weeks. About a dozen nuclear reactors are currently paralyzed by the union. The strikers want more compensation for the strong inflation. But the day of the strike is also a protest against the French government’s commitments to work in fuel depots on strike.

Numerous industries are on strike in France and are demanding higher wages

Sabine Rau, ARD Paris, daily news at 12:00 p.m., October 18, 2022

Disappointed with Macron’s policies

After an emergency meeting with President Emmanuel Macron, the energy minister announced that everything would be done to normalize the situation at the pumps. A little more than a quarter of the gas stations nationwide still have problems with the supply of petrol or diesel. Next week is autumn break in France too.

Many also attribute the fact that there are now social conflicts to the president’s policies – such as engineer Marc, who also had to wait for his train at Saint-Lazare station: “Macron can no longer assert himself as he did during his first term. He is very confident in himself and he’s lost his grip on reality.”

The government around President Macron has tried to keep the loss of purchasing power within limits. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has just announced that the fuel discount of 30 cents per liter will be extended by two weeks until mid-November.

Nationwide strikes in France: atmosphere at the St. Lazare train station

Cai Rienäcker, ARD Paris, October 18, 2022 1:00 p.m

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