Acne: Six effective tips from Stiftung Warentest against pimples

Pimples are unwelcome guests – they are not invited, they are annoying and they stay for far too long. Most of the time they emerge from the depths of the skin on the very day when the new passport photo is to be taken for the ID or when a date is coming up. For many people, the big push and pull then begins, which usually makes things worse. While a pimple is annoying but not the end of the world, acne can be very stressful. We know what helps Stiftung Warentest.

Acne is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands. The face and neck are primarily affected, but acne on the chest and back is also possible. Acne usually begins during puberty and goes away on its own after a few years. No skin disease occurs more often in adolescents. According to the University Hospital of Zurich, however, acne is only so severe in 15 to 30 percent of cases that medical attention is necessary and, for example, antibiotics must be prescribed. Both sexes are affected equally, although boys tend to have more severe cases. Who gets acne and who doesn’t is also a question of genetics.

Acne: Clogged sebaceous glands cause trouble

The triggers for acne include hormones, especially during puberty. Male sex hormones, which women also produce in small quantities, ensure that the work of the sebaceous glands in the skin is stimulated. Since the skin also produces more horny material, which clogs the sebaceous glands, the secretion produced there cannot drain properly. This then causes blackheads and pimples to form. If bacteria also get involved, inflammation under the skin can occur. The good news: we now know very well what causes pimples and what you can do to combat the pests.

You can read the complete text as well as an overview of over-the-counter medications that help against acne and improve the complexion for a fee


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