Accusing him of “betrayal”, Zemmour throws Marion Maréchal out of Reconquête

On the right, the fire triggered by the dissolution of the Assembly did not only start with LR. A fire is also underway at Reconquête. Éric Zemmour announced on Wednesday the exclusion of his head of the European list, Marion Maréchal.

To justify this choice, he denounced on BFMTV a “betrayal” of the MEP who had just called to vote for the candidates supported by the National Rally in the early legislative elections.

Eric Zemmour’s “triple fault”

“She has reached the end of the road, that is to say, she excludes herself from this party that she has always despised,” affirmed Éric Zemmour, accusing his ex-ally of “lying » and to be “surrounded by professionals of betrayal”.

During a press briefing a little earlier, Marion Maréchal was very offensive towards the president of her party, denouncing the “triple fault” of Éric Zemmour whom she accuses of wanting to present Reconquest candidates against the RN . “Presenting Reconquest candidates in legislative constituencies means taking the infinite risk of winning Macronist or far-left deputies,” she said.

These accusations were refuted by the latter: “I am and I will always be for the gathering. I affirm that Reconquête and I are ready to withdraw candidates in the event of an agreement with the RN, the LR and all other parties of good will,” he wrote on X, saying he was “disgusted and hurt “.

Peltier, Bay and Trochu also excluded

The dissensions between the unsuccessful presidential candidate, who increased the attacks against the RN, and Marion Maréchal, more inclined to openness, had animated these last days, until the abandonment of negotiations between Reconquest and the party of Marine Le Pen on Tuesday.

“We refuse the principle of divisive candidacies”, against the alliance concluded between Éric Ciotti and the RN, launched Marion Maréchal on Wednesday. She was accompanied by Guillaume Peltier and Nicolas Bay, vice-presidents of Reconquête, and Laurence Trochu. The three, as well as Marion Maréchal, were elected Reconquest MEPs. “They should hand in their mandate, there are four MEPs who betray all our activists 48 hours after (their election). This is the world record for betrayal,” launched Éric Zemmour, announcing to exclude them all.

Bardella applauds Maréchal

After the words of Marion Maréchal, the president of the RN, Jordan Bardella welcomed on X “a responsible declaration which goes in the direction of a patriotic dynamic to win and to act tomorrow”. The day before, he had directly attacked Éric Zemmour, believing that “the invectives he has multiplied against the National Rally and the sometimes very excessive positions he can take have made the conditions for an agreement obsolete”.

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