According to travel rankings, the worst airport in the world is in Europe

Watch the video: Better to avoid – The worst airport in the world is in Europe.

Every year, the German website AirHelp compiles a world ranking list of the best and worst airports in the world. The ranking takes into account the delays in departure and arrival of flights, the quality of the services provided and the number of restaurants and shops present in the infrastructure. A total of 132 airports worldwide were examined more closely. According to the website, the worst airport in the world is in Portugal, or more precisely in Lisbon. With 5.76 out of a possible 10 points, he lands in the inglorious last place. In terms of punctuality in particular, he did poorly with 4.7 out of a possible 10 points. According to the ranking, the best airport in the world is in Doha, Qatar. With 8.39 out of a possible 10 points, Hamad International Airport almost achieved the best rating.

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