According to statements about Jennifer Garner: The network is attacking Ben Affleck

According to statements made about Jennifer Garner
The net goes after Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner – for many, she is the heroine of this relationship.

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With an interview about his drinking habits and his marriage to Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck turned the net against himself.

With his latest interview about the failed marriage with Jennifer Garner (49), Ben Affleck (49) has really done himself a disservice. Readers see red on social networks and in the comment columns of all online magazines – and not just them.

In an interview with Howard Stern (67), Affleck had blamed his marriage to Garner for his alcohol addiction. For example, he said he felt trapped in the marriage, which was one reason he started drinking. “We had a marriage that didn’t work. That happened. She was someone I loved and respected, but who I shouldn’t have been married to anymore.”

The actor goes on to say that drinking was his exit strategy from marriage. “I thought, ‘I can’t go because of my kids, but I’m unhappy, what should I do?’ What I did was drink a bottle of scotch and fall asleep on the couch, which wasn’t a solution. ” He went on to say that he would probably still drink if he was still with Garner.

“Clear case of narcissism and gaslighting”

On Twitter, this blame is not acceptable to many. A user writes: “Typical man, to say ‘I was trapped’ and blame it on the kids. Dude, this is not an external problem, the problem you have to solve is within you.” Another finds: “Clear case of narcissism and gaslighting. He drank before, during and after Jennifer Garner, now he blames her publicly. She drove him to rehab,” writes another user, followed by a few swear words.

The actor couple was married from 2005 to 2018, they separated in 2015. Apparently, Garner still supported her ex afterwards. There are famous pictures showing Garner Affleck driving his car to the rehab clinic – three years after they split up.

Almost everyone on Twitter agrees that Affleck is the only one responsible for his drinking behavior. A user asks: “Seriously, Ben? You say you never want to hurt your children. Well, talking about their mother like that, it hurts them. And it hurt them when you towed their nanny …” and lets in a few more swear words .

“Learn what it means to take responsibility”

Another tips Affleck to go to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and learn what it means to take responsibility. “Wow. What a horrible statement about the mother of your children. He could have said he was unhappy with himself. With this he is blaming his marriage – he should have done the 12 steps.” [der Anonymen Alkoholiker] go again. He won’t be happy with J.Lo either because the problem is in him “, is another tweet.

Also in the “New York Post” a comment by the journalist Maureen Callahan was published, in which she described Affleck’s statements as “heartless” and Affleck as “completely aloof”: “It’s all so mean, cold and unnecessary – especially after Garner was so honest about how badly she wanted to, that their marriage worked and how their hearts were broken after they broke up. “


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