According to PwC, NFT is ‘the future of digital assets in the sports industry’.

NFT and digital assets are among the top 10 trends in the sports industry. According to consultant Price Waterhouse Coopers or PwC Sports Outlook 2022 for North America. from the modification of sports technology infrastructure To driving fan engagement, the report outlines three key use cases for NFT and the trends that will shape the future of esports.

The first use case is cumulative NFT — or assets that can be cumulative, authenticated, and limited. This is similar to traditional souvenirs such as player trading cards or ticket stubs of historic matches that can be digitized. and trading on the blockchain The report adds that these collectibles will eventually be able to be displayed and shared across metaverses.

The “best known” example of the collectible NFT collection is the NBA Top Shot from Dapper Labs, which is the “best” highlight or play from NBA history and has recently been ranked as the “Best-known” NBA Top Shot. It is second behind Axie Infinity for most NFT transactions in the blockchain gaming industry with $827 million in 2021. Another popular example is the collectible marketplace “Autograph” of NFL defender Tom Brady, which recently Raised $170 million in Series B funding.

Second is the season ticket member, or STM, where these NFTs can be considered another large use case. This will enhance the experience of loyal fans. STMs previously accessing exclusive content may receive special editions of collectible NFTs for the games they participate in. And sponsors may benefit as well.

Finally, virtual access tokens are for fans who want to pay more for a virtual reality experience. and may not be able to join the game in person This kind of token is described as a new version of the season ticket that can give owners access to additional background privileges such as the player’s camera. desk camera or even access to a virtual locker room which some football clubssufferAchievements so far with fan tokens are Paris Saint-Germain. and Manchester City, which gives fans the right to influence in-game decisions such as background music.

PwC explains that ticket sales, media rights, and support It is currently the largest revenue stream for teams and leagues. Token tickets, NFT media rights, and sponsorship of digital events or metaverses are expected to help drive industry growth. It states that selling digital assets could become a “serious” revenue stream, and the report adds that for this to happen, teams need to, however, need a technology that connects new digital sales data to existing customer databases. live and a strong legal team to deal with regulatory and tax implications.

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