Accidents: Tanzania: Plane crashes into Africa’s largest lake

Tanzania: Plane crashes into Africa’s largest lake

Rescue workers in boats work at the scene after a plane crash. photo

© Uncredited/AYO TV/AP/dpa

The machine is said to have been on the landing approach to the town of Bukoba on Lake Victoria when it crashed. Why is still unclear. 43 people were on board.

A plane belonging to Tanzania’s Precision Airline crashed into Lake Victoria on Sunday morning. As Hamza Johari, director of the Tanzanian aviation authority TCAA, told the German Press Agency, the machine was on the landing approach to the city of Bukoba on Lake Victoria at the time of the accident.

Heavy rain and dense fog interfered with the plane’s landing, according to rescue workers at the scene. However, a detailed investigation into the reason for the crash is still pending. At least 26 of the 43 people on board were injured in the crash and taken to a nearby hospital. The rescue operation lasted for the time being. According to initial information, there were no deaths.

Lake Victoria is the third largest inland body of water in the world after the Caspian Sea and Lake Superior in North America. Lake Victoria is located in the border triangle of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The area of ​​the lake roughly corresponds to that of Bavaria. Precision Airline specializes in tourist flights within Tanzania. Among other destinations, the airline flies to Mount Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti – popular destinations for international tourists.


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