Accidents: Serious train accident in Indonesia – at least four dead

Serious train accident in Indonesia – at least four dead

Rescue workers inspect the train wreckage after the collision in Indonesia. photo

© Abdan Syakura/AP/dpa

Tragedy in West Java province: Two trains collide head-on, leaving people dead and injured. Was a faulty signal the cause of the accident?

On the main Indonesian island Two trains collided head-on in Java. By Friday afternoon (local time), the death toll had risen to four, said the local railway company KAI. Nearly 30 others were injured, according to the Department of Transportation. Pictures showed how various wagons had become completely wedged together and others had overturned. The clash occurred early this morning (local time) in Bandung, the capital of West Java province.

According to the ministry, a total of 478 people were traveling on both trains. Numerous helpers were deployed to free passengers from the train and rescue the victims. According to the police, the rescue work continued hours later. The cause of the collision was initially unclear, but reports suggest that a faulty signal may have been the cause.

Train accidents are not uncommon in the Southeast Asian island nation with around 270 million inhabitants. The country’s railway network suffers from, among other things, outdated infrastructure and poor maintenance.


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