Accident in Saxony: zip line tears – young person falls into the depths

accident in Saxony
Zipline tears – teenager falls into the depths

The police in Dresden are investigating the operator of a zip line from which a youth fell eight meters down. photo

© Lino Mirgeler/dpa

The accident happened when the 16-year-old was on a class trip in Saxony with his classmates. The operator of the zip line facility is now being investigated for negligent bodily harm.

A teenager fell eight meters from a broken zip line in Rathmannsdorf, Saxony, and sustained serious injuries. As the Dresden police announced, the rope tore when he drove on Wednesday evening.

According to the police, the 16-year-old was on a class trip with his school class. The officials are now investigating the operator of the facility for negligent bodily harm. Emergency services took the youth to a hospital in a rescue helicopter.


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