Accident in Poing: drunken bus driver rams car – Ebersberg

A bus driver crashed into a parked car while under the influence of alcohol. The accident happened last Monday afternoon on Blumenstraße in Poing. There, a mother was in the process of strapping her daughter in at the rear door of her vehicle. Suddenly there was a bang next to her as the bus rammed the door of the car. The woman was just missed. The police put the damage caused at 6,500 euros, and no one was injured.

After the police officers noticed the smell of alcohol on the bus driver, they carried out an alcohol test. This resulted in a value of over 1.1 per mille – the limit for absolute unfitness to drive. At the Poing office, officials secured the bus driver’s driver’s license. The man now has to answer for endangering road traffic as a result of drinking alcohol.

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