Accident: Germans are said to have driven into the family in Italy

Germans are said to have traveled to Italy in the family

An accident involving Germans occurred in Italy near the border with Austria. photo

© -/Vigili del fuoco/dpa

Was it on purpose? Did the woman lose control of the car? Was she distracted by her cell phone? The reason for the accident is still unclear. Three people die.

A German is said to have crashed her car into a family in northern Italy and killed three people. The woman was after Accident arrested, as the Carabinieri of Santo Stefano di Cadore confirmed at the request of the German Press Agency; the media had previously reported about it.

The woman is said to have driven her car into the family at high speed in the village near the border with Austria on Thursday afternoon. The grandmother, father and a two-year-old boy died in the collision. The mother was slightly injured. The grandfather, who apparently ran at a distance, came to a clinic because of shock.

After the German had been questioned by the Carabinieri, she was taken into custody late in the evening. She is accused of multiple homicides, a criminal offense in Italy.

Distracted by the smartphone?

According to media reports, police experts are checking whether the woman may have been distracted by her cell phone and lost control of the car. Initially, there were different reports as to whether the car hit people on a sidewalk next to the road or on a zebra crossing.

According to reports, some of them were thrown meters through the air. The grandmother and father died at the scene of the accident, the little boy in a rescue helicopter on the way to the hospital.

Photos from the scene of the accident showed how the car was severely demolished – it may also have crashed into a fence.


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