Accident: Five dead and 50 injured at election campaign event in Mexico

bad luck
Five dead and 50 injured at election campaign event in Mexico

Security forces stand around the stage, which has collapsed. Photo

© Alberto Lopez/AP/dpa

A presidential candidate is standing on a stage at a baseball field in Mexico when gusts of wind suddenly cause it to collapse. Panic breaks out in the audience.

When a stage collapsed due to strong winds during an election campaign event in At least five people have died and 50 others have been injured in Mexico. This was announced by the governor of the northeastern state of Nuevo León, Samuel García, at the scene of the accident, as the television station N+ reported live. The accident occurred on a baseball field in the municipality of San Pedro Garza García.

“I regret the accident in San Pedro Garza García,” wrote President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on the online platform X on Wednesday evening (local time). According to media reports, there is a child among the dead.

Presidential candidate Jorge Álvarez Maynez from the small center-left party Movimiento Ciudadano was on the stage with a mayoral candidate and other people when the accident occurred. He was unharmed. Videos circulated on social media showing the structure collapsing on the audience and panic breaking out. Presidential, parliamentary and regional elections will be held in Mexico on June 2.


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