Accident at the Rosenmontagszug in Halle: run over a woman, the police are investigating

Shrove Monday procession cancelled

The move was canceled after the accident. The city administration had also canceled the event on the market square after coordination with the police, fire brigade and organizer. A two-hour carnival celebration was planned there.

For the accident will have no consequences for future carnival parades, said the President of the Halle-Saalkreis Carnival Association, Ingo Küßnero Küßner. “That had nothing to do with distance, that was when driving off,” said the President.

The move to Halle is one of the largest in Saxony-Anhalt. This year’s motto was “Mr sense widder da!” (We are back!). According to the carnival association, there were around 1,500 participants from 53 clubs on the train.

Accidents have also occurred at other carnival parades in recent years. In 2017, a 14-year-old was critically injured while moving in Rhineland-Palatinate. He was standing on the trailer of a tractor and hit his head on a concrete strut while driving through an underpass. Also in 2017, a drunk 19-year-old fell from a carnival float in Neuenkirchen near Osnabrück and suffered minor injuries.

Disastrous year 2014 in Thuringia

Two accidents occurred in Thuringia in 2014: In Roßleben (Kyffhäuserkreis), two carriage horses ran into the crowd of spectators – two women were seriously injured and a 14-year-old girl was slightly injured. In Römhild (Hildburghausen district) the body of a trailer fell onto the street after the move and buried several young people under it. Six were injured, three seriously.

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