about fifteen Lyonnais arrested for having made false passes

A month after the indictment of a 23-year-old mother who had made thousands of fake health passes, a new similar case broke out in the Lyon region. According to France Interabout fifteen people, who also issued false health passes, have been arrested in recent weeks in the metropolis of Lyon.

They are suspected of having sold 30,000 false passes, sold on average for 200 euros each. One of the cases required six months of investigation, after the gendarmes discovered last summer a false pass on the telephone of a man suspected of domestic violence in Haute-Savoie.

The investigators managed to find the trace of the counterfeiters, hidden behind anonymous profiles, and residing mainly in the Lyon region. This network turns out to be made up of touts, resellers and hackers, including a student in a computer engineering school in the metropolis. On January 26, a network of forgers, made up of eight Lyonnais, and suspected of having made more than 60,000 fake health passes, was also arrested.

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