“Abominable”, “horror”… Politicians seize the anti-Semitic news item

A news item in the middle of the electoral campaign could not go unnoticed. The gang rape case in Courbevoie of a 12-year-old girl sparked multiple political reactions this Wednesday. Especially since its anti-Semitic character seems to be becoming clearer.

“Horrified by this rape in Courbevoie and everything it highlights concerning the conditioning of criminal male behavior from a young age, and anti-Semitic racism,” declared, on the social network -Luc Mélenchon. He who is regularly accused by political opponents of ambiguous remarks on anti-Semitism…

The leader of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, picked up on this matter to call not to vote for left-wing parties in the early legislative elections. “The anti-Semitic attack and the rape of a 12-year-old child (…) revolt us,” declared the leader of the far-right party, criticizing in the process “the stigmatization of Jews for months by the far left in through the instrumentalization of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” “Everyone must be fully aware of this on June 30 and July 7,” she concluded.

President Emmanuel Macron asked, during the Council of Ministers, that a “time of discussion” be organized in the coming days in schools on racism and anti-Semitism. The head of state had “solemn and serious words on the scourge of anti-Semitism”, indicated those around him. By wanting these discussions, he wants to ensure that “hate speech carrying serious consequences does not infiltrate” into educational establishments, it was added.

“Gap wounds in our society”

In his camp, Sylvain Maillard, former president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, confided his “horror at this anti-Semitic rape”. “Anti-Semitism must be fought from an early age and punished severely,” he insisted. “Rape, anti-Semitism: everything is abominable in this crime,” also reacted the Minister of National Education, Nicole Belloubet.

On the left, condemnations came from all the main parties. The rebellious outgoing deputy for the Somme, François Ruffin, denounced a “horrible anti-Semitic rape” which “must strike us deeply, based on what it reveals”.

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“Anti-Semitism and violence against women are gaping wounds in our society. We must look this reality in the face and act resolutely,” also reacted the national secretary of the Ecologists Marine Tondelier, when her PCF counterpart Fabien Roussel denounced “an atrocious crime which reminds us once again that anti-Semitism is corrupting our society. and grows dangerously.” On Tuesday, the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, castigated the “scourge” of “anti-Semitic hatred”, calling for it to be fought “without weakness and without respite”.

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