Aaron Carter dead: Nick cancels performance, BSB concert will probably take place

Aaron Carter died Saturday
Nick Carter cancels concert after brother’s death – but BSB tour will probably continue as planned

Nick Carter was supposed to be on stage with the Backstreet Boys tonight in London. Many fans think it is unlikely that he will do this after his brother’s death.

© IMAGO / The Photo Access

On Sunday evening, the Backstreet Boys actually wanted to perform in London as part of their DNA World Tour. But whether the concert will actually take place after Aaron Carter’s death is currently being hotly debated. Nick Carter has already canceled a concert.

News of Aaron Carter’s death broke around the world on Saturday night. The 34-year-old was found dead in his home on November 5. Nothing is known about the cause of death. His older brother Nick Carter is currently touring the world with the “Backstreet Boys”. The next leg of the DNA World Tour is London. But the fans question whether the band will actually perform as planned in the evening.

The concert has not yet been officially canceled. Neither on the website of the venue “The O2” nor on the official homepage of the “Backstreet Boys” has there been any mention of the concert being cancelled. The musician KnowleDJ, who accompanies the band as an opening act, stated in an Instagram story that he assumes that the concert will take place: “I will be there and play my set”. But many fans can’t really believe that. “Is there still nothing on the O2 website?” the first asked during the night of tonight’s Facebook event. For hours, one question has been asked over and over again: will the concert really take place? Many are irritated that the event appears to be going ahead despite the death of Aaron Carter. But many are certain of one thing: Nick Carter will not be there.

After Aaron Carter’s death: brother Nick cancels concert

“Even if the event does go ahead I very much doubt Nick will be on the stage,” comments one fan. Another agrees, “I also doubt Nick will be there when it kicks off, so sad for him and his family.” Nick Carter has already canceled a concert, the solo “Chords and Coffee with Nick Carter” also planned for Sunday. He himself has not yet spoken publicly, neither about his brother’s death nor about his participation in the other tour dates.

Including the London concert, six more concerts are actually planned this year, two of them in Europe – on November 8th in Manchester and on November 10th in Antwerp. The US tour is scheduled to continue in December.

By the time the article was published, The O2 had not yet responded to stern’s inquiry regarding the London concert.

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