A8: No speed limit north of the tunnel near Unterbiberg – district of Munich

The Unterbiberger will probably have to continue to expect traffic noise north of the tunnel on the A8 motorway. The request from the municipality of Neubiberg to set a speed limit there was rejected by the responsible southern Bavarian branch of the federal Autobahn GmbH. The reason given was that a further speed limit was not legally possible, as Mayor Thomas Pardeller (CSU) reported at the citizens’ meeting in Unterbiberg. The occasion was a written request from a citizen.

The community has been trying for some time to further speed limits on the A8. Last year, the Free Voters had requested that the municipality should work towards limiting the speed to 100 kilometers per hour during the day and 80 kilometers per hour at night in the section between Ramersdorf and Unterhaching-Ost, maybe even to Taufkirchen. The background was also that there is no speed limit in the area north of the tunnel: Anyone coming from the south can accelerate for a few hundred meters after the tunnel, where the speed limit is 80, because the speed limit has been lifted, the Free Voters argued. Because of the westerly wind zone, this causes unnecessary noise and environmental pollution in Unterbiberg.

In December 2021, the community last approached Autobahn GmbH with the request. From there it was said, as the construction department of the municipality informed on request, that there were only two legal bases for a speed limit: an accumulation of accidents and the significant exceeding of noise reduction values. Since both of these basic principles do not apply here, it is not possible to extend the speed limit beyond the previous range.

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