A young father suspected of having defenestrated his two little girls

A 23-year-old man was taken into police custody on Friday after the defenestration of his two little girls, at Chambon-Feugerolles (Loire), indicates the parquet floor of Saint-Etienne. He is suspected of having pushed his 2-year-old and 4-year-old children into the void, from the 4th floor. Their vital prognosis is engaged. The eldest was airlifted to Lyon while the little one was rushed to the Saint-Etienne University Hospital.

The firefighters intervened around 10 a.m. to rescue the girls who had fallen on the asphalt. “We hope that they will survive this fall, but their vital prognosis is engaged”, declared the public prosecutor of Saint-Etienne David Charmatz who went on the spot. An investigation for “attempted homicide of minors under 15” has been opened.

According to the first elements of the investigation, the father was alone with his children at the time of the tragedy, the mother was absent.

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