A year of war in Ukraine: death, tears, confidence – politics


Florian Hassel, Kyiv

The heroes meet their supreme commander early in the morning. For most Kievans, the day had not really begun when several hundred soldiers lined up at 8 a.m. on Sophienplatz – a few hundred meters away, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy had welcomed US President Joe Biden a few days ago. Unlike on Monday, Kiev is shrouded in gray winter clouds this Friday morning. An icy wind is whistling, fitting for the first anniversary of the Russian invasion this February 24th. Even a year later, “it’s a matter for all of us, it’s a matter of to be or not to be for Ukraine,” Zelensky told the soldiers who had taken up duty. Then he draws several soldiers as “Heroes of Ukraine” with medalssome of them posthumously.

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