A year after its first use, “#saccageparis is gaining credibility every day”, says its creator

#sackageparis celebrates its first year. For the occasion, 20 minutes contacted its creator who made himself known on Twitter under the pseudonym @Panamepropre. Behind this account is a 50-year-old executive who works in the private sector. We won’t know any more. On March 21, 2021, he criticizes the poor maintenance of the capital in a tweet. A few days later, he led to a real protest movement behind his hashtag, which now has 3 million tweets. Since then, he has continued to pressure and encourage protest against the policies of the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo.

Why did you create #saccageparis?

During confinement, in February 2021, I walked around Paris a lot. I began to feel a sense of unease walking the streets of the city. They were dirty, the historical monuments deteriorated, the capital is no longer maintained. I wondered how to change things and, finally, I turned to Twitter. I decided to publish photos and videos of what I saw to put pressure on the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, who is responsible for the management of the city. On March 21, for the first time, I tweeted with the hashtag #saccageparis. On April 2, it exploded.

Did you expect it to get so big?

The objective of this hashtag was to gather, to federate all those who saw the same thing as me but who said nothing. Obviously, the movement has taken on a scale that I would not have imagined. It has become a truly atypical citizen movement. We are not apolitical, but we are transpolitical. There are people from all walks of life who agree with our demands. And, every day, we gain credibility. A few days ago, we passed the 3 million tweets mark with #saccageparis.

What future for the #saccageparis movement?

I am often told about municipal elections, but the next will take place in four years. It’s not on our agenda at all. For the moment, we especially want a reaction from the elected officials in power. We hope they finally hear us and stop the rampage in Paris. For us, the next step is the legislative elections. We would like to exert pressure so that the Socialists, the PCF and EELV, those responsible for this rampage, have a bad score and do not obtain any seats.

Do you feel like you’ve already made a difference?

There have not yet been many concrete effects. We still feel a backpedal on some announcements that had been made. There is also an acceleration on measures that go in our direction. For example, the transfer of cleanliness to the districts and the maintenance of small heritage. We are waiting for these announcements to turn into action.

Do you think you have contributed to weakening the presidential candidacy of Anne Hidalgo?

We contributed to it, without a doubt. Anne Hidalgo continues to support her presidential candidacy on her municipal record and her ability to manage the city of Paris. This is when we step in. We show his true record and his inability to manage the capital. This is not what we wish for France. Politics can’t just be storytelling. With social networks, there is now transparency of public action. She can’t ignore it.

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