A worker of the Grand Paris Express seriously injured on the site

Line 16 construction site – FRANCOIS GUILLOT / AFP

New drama on the construction site of line 16 of the Grand Paris Express. A 22-year-old worker was very seriously injured in the arm Monday afternoon, according to information from France Bleu Paris. The man got his arm stuck in a machine while he was working “on the conveyor belt of a tunnel boring machine” at the future Aulnay-sous-Bois station, in Seine-Saint-Denis, specifies the Société du Greater Paris. He was rushed to hospital with absolute urgency.

This tragedy comes five months after the death of a 41-year-old worker on the same site, near Courneuve. The man had died after falling into a crushing tank located 30 meters deep. A police and labor inspection investigation is underway to shed light on this new tragedy.

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