A woman in a coma after being beaten by her ex-boyfriend

A young woman was found unconscious in the lobby of a building in Blois by the police, warned by witnesses, Tuesday around 7 p.m. The 24-year-old victim was placed in a coma in Tours hospital after being hit by his former companion, said the prosecutor of the Republic of Blois Charlotte Beluet. According to a forensic examination carried out on Wednesday, the victim suffered from “Major cerebral hemorrhagic lesions” and his vital prognosis was engaged. His neurological prognosis was described as “gloomy” in a press release from the prosecution.

But the case could well go beyond the case of domestic violence. In a press release, the prefect of Loir-et-Cher François Pesneau, indicated that he had requested a referral from the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), “immediately followed” by the general management of the national police, “in order to know precisely the conditions in which the victim had been, shortly before the events, received at the Blois police station and invited to present himself the next day”.

Suspect denies ‘intent to kill’

“On the day of the events, around 5 p.m., she presented herself at the reception of the Blois police station and (…) had been invited to represent herself the next day”, confirmed Charlotte Beluet. According to the hearings of the entourage, the relationship between the victim and her former companion had begun in August before the young woman decided to end it at the beginning of December, “having reported (…) violence, threat and harassment, facts for which she had prepared a file in order to file a complaint”.

“She had notably changed her phone (…) to put an end to the actions of her former companion and she had recently had an abortion,” said the magistrate. His former companion, 27 years old and “known to justice (…) for acts of violence”, was arrested Thursday in Plaisir (Yvelines). During his hearings, he indicated that he wanted “to have explanations”, in particular on the break-up.

He admitted to having given several “crushing” kicks to the victim’s head. However, he “disputed having intended to kill his former companion”. The young man was placed in pre-trial detention as part of an open judicial investigation for attempted murder.

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