A witness says she met Ghislaine Maxwell in Paris

It is a former boyfriend who introduces “Kate” to Ghislaine Maxwell, in Paris around 1994. At the time, “Kate” lives in London with her sick mother and dreams of a career in the entertainment world. “She was sophisticated and very elegant… She was very impressive (…), I thought I had found someone who could be very important to me,” she explained. As the second week of the trial of Epstein’s ex-girlfriend opened in New York, Kate’s testimony reinforced that of the first victim on the links between Robert Maxwell’s daughter and the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The case of “Kate”, a Briton aged 17 at the time of the facts, ie above the legal age of consent in the United Kingdom, could not therefore be used to find the Briton Ghislaine Maxwell guilty, indicated Justice Alison Nathan to the jury. She was, however, one of the four victims cited by prosecutors in the indictment.

Like the first victim who recounted last week the sexual abuse of Jeffrey Epstein when she was only 14 years old, this witness was able to speak under a pseudonym and confirmed the role played by the accused, on trial for having recruited underage girls from 1994 to 2004 in order to make them available to the American financier who died in prison in 2019. Crimes that the daughter of media mogul Robert Maxwell and former figure of the international jet set refutes and for which she pleads not guilty in federal court in Manhattan.

Meeting in Paris

After the first meeting in Paris, the two women meet again in London and Ghislaine Maxwell evokes her friend Jeffrey Epstein, whom she describes as a philanthropist, “someone who likes to help young people”. “She promised me that he would appreciate me a lot (…) I was 17, I was alone, I didn’t have a group of friends,” added “Kate”.

A few weeks later, Ghislaine Maxwell invited him to her London residence to meet Epstein. She asks him to give the businessman a first foot and shoulder massage. Then, a few weeks later, a new invitation. This time, Jeffrey Epstein undresses in a dark room, where there is a massage table, before Ghislaine Maxwell leaves the room and closes the door. According to “Kate”, the massage turned into a sexual act.

“I didn’t know how to refuse,” the witness told jurors, saying that she continued to see the couple at Epstein’s residences in Palm Beach (Florida), New York or in the Caribbean. “I didn’t want to admit what was happening to me (…) I was afraid to leave because I knew how much they had connections”, added “Kate”.

Prince Andrew and Donald Trump

Ghislaine Maxwell “seemed to know everyone (…) She told me that she had Prince Andrew and Donald Trump for friends,” she continued. According to “Kate”, the accused asked her if she did not know other girls. “You see what he likes, pretty and young like you,” she would have told him. In the residences of Jeffrey Epstein, she had crossed other girls, of which “one looked really much younger than me”.

Seeming to want to pull the rug out from under the defense, the prosecution questioned “Kate” about an addiction to alcohol, cocaine and sleeping pills, to which she replied that she was no longer taking any. since May 2003. “The memories I have of important events in my life have not changed,” she replied, adding in tears that “these events (kept coming back to her) all the time” and that ‘she had “nightmares” of them.

She also said she received $ 3.25 million from the “Epstein Fund,” an official redress mechanism drawn from the multimillionaire’s fortune after his death. In cross-examination, Maxwell’s defense accused “Kate”, a Briton, of seeking a US visa reserved for victims of sexual assault in exchange for her testimony at trial. The person concerned admitted to having inquired about this visa one day, but without going any further in this process.

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