A wild Krispy Kreme advertising campaign triggers the anger of elected officials

“French, French, you are going to change your regime”, boasted donut brand Krispy Kremein a tweet where advertising posters of the brand were proudly displayed, savagely plastered on the walls of Paris.

“You will especially receive a big cleaning bill, well done! And on January 1st the State will have transferred to us the competence to impose an additional fine of €1,500 per poster, so we will see who will change their regime. reacted Antoine Guillouthe deputy for cleanliness at Paris City Hall, in response to this message.

An “illegal, polluting and costly” practice

The first Krispy Kreme store will open its doors on December 6 at the Forum des Halles in Paris and the brand has launched an advertising campaign for this launch, in collaboration with the Buzzman agency. But these posters, where we can read a false political slogan, “Macaroon resignation”, or even “The best croissant in Paris” with an image of a donut, are not to the taste of Parisian elected officials, who denounced, like the First Deputy Emmanuel Grégoire, an “illegal, polluting and costly” practice. “They are fed up with the wild display. It’s a marketing practice from another time,” protested Emmanuel Grégoire.

The City of Paris announced in mid-November that it wanted to reduce the place of advertising in Paris. “We believe with the mayor that it is time to begin thinking about the place of advertising in society and public space. This would be consistent with the climate plan which will soon be presented but also the local bioclimatic urban planning plan,” he told the newspaper. The Parisian Emmanuel Grégoire, the First Deputy.

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