“A way to say goodbye”: this sign received by Afida, the daughter-in-law of Tina Turner, just before the announcement of her death

Present on the set of Touche not at my post to discuss the death of her former mother-in-law Tina Turner Thursday May 25, 2023 on C8, Afida Turner revealed that she had received a sign from the singer shortly before the announcement of her disappearance.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023, sad news has plunged the global music industry into mourning. On this day the legend the American song Tina Turner passed away at the age of 83. “Tina Turner […] East died peacefully at her home in Küsnacht, Switzerland at the age of 83 following a long illness. With her, the world loses a music legend and an icon“, revealed a press release relayed by the British television channel sky news. “With her music and her infinite passion for life, she has enchanted millions of fans around the world and inspired the stars of tomorrow.“, indicated for its part the official account of the late singer.

Shortly after the announcement of his death, Tina Turner’s former daughter-in-law has posted a moving tribute on his Instagram account. “I was just talking about her five minutes before arriving in Nice. How much she loved the south of France. Rest in Peace Stepmom with Ronnie and Craig“, wrote Afida Turner. Revealed to the general public during her time in the cult reality TV show Loft Story, broadcast on M6 in the early 2000s, Afida Turner was the wife of Tina Turner’s youngest son, Ronnie Turner, for a decade. The latter unfortunately died in 2022. For his part, the eldest son of Tina Turner, Craig Turnertook his own life at the age of 60 in 2018.

Afida Turner: “When I arrived at Nice airport, and she lived next door, her soul was there”

Thursday, May 25, 2023, Afida Turner was Cyril Hanouna’s guest on the show Touche pas à mon poste, broadcast live on C8. During her time on the set of the talk show, the former daughter-in-law of Tina Turner notably revealed that she received a sign from the singer shortly before the announcement of her disappearance. “At the time, I was shocked. I cried. Then, indeed, I knew that she was already ill. I spoke to her then, and exactly 27 minutes later I got the message. So I think when I arrived at Nice airport, and she lived next door, her soul was there. It was a way to say goodbye to me“, said Afida Turner.

About the Author

Clement Machetto Passionate about sport, and more particularly football, basketball and wrestling (thank you Canal+!), Koh-Lanta is for me the essential program on French television. In the past, I was also an avid viewer of Star Academy on TF1, but also of the Saturday trilogy on M6. Today the world of the media no longer has any secrets for me… or almost.

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