A village boycots Heritage Days to protest against the installation of wind turbines

In Lury-sur-Arnon (Cher), no Heritage Days this year. This meeting, which was to take place on September 18 and 19, is boycotted by the Lury Passion Patrimoines association. In question: the installation of three wind turbines planned in the town.

For the secretary of the association, it is unthinkable to integrate these installations in the middle of the landscape of old stones, reports France Bleu Berry. “It does not make sense to work for the preservation of old buildings if we leave the landscapes next door to deteriorate”, assures Catherine Célice. A second association, Lury sans Eolienne, is said to have distributed flyers to residents.

Bad for tourism

With this boycott, the Lury Passion Patrimoines association hopes to send an “even stronger signal”. Because the latter sees further. Although the promoter has finally backed down and decided to install three wind turbines instead of four, the association fears for tourism.

Especially since many other wind turbines have already been installed in the surrounding area. “Will tourists come to see us if they have to go through forests of wind turbines before arriving here?” »Asks Catherine Célice.

Preserving the villages

According to the latter, other places could have been considered for the installation: “We just have to put them where they are ugly!” They can be built near highways, near high voltage lines. “

The president would like to preserve the villages as well as the sea. In its fight, the association can count on the support of the association of tourist accommodation of Indre and the association of old French houses, which have also decided to boycott them. Heritage Days.

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