A vaccination center vandalized near Toulouse, 3,500 doses destroyed

Vandalism of opportunity or act of protest? The prosecution instructed the gendarmes of the Toulouse Research Section and those of the Villefranche-de-Lauragais brigade to shed light on the degradations committed during the night of Monday to Tuesday in the vaccination center of
Saint-Orens, in the suburb of the Pink City.

Two doors of the communal hall that hosts the center were forced into the night by one or more intruders. According to Dominique Faure, the mayor of the town, tables, chairs and two computers were broken. 3,500 doses of vaccine were also destroyed “or the equivalent of a week of vaccination”, specifies the prefect of Haute-Garonne who considers these acts “unacceptable”.

Tense context

The center, which vaccinates an average of 700 people per day, could not operate on Tuesday. The investigators carried out the surveys on the spot for a long time. But it will reopen its doors tomorrow, assures the prefecture.

This new act of vandalism comes in a tense climate in Toulouse. At the beginning of August, the premises of the order of nurses were degraded and tagged with anti-tax slogans. Last week a new hate message appeared on a wall at the Vaccinodrome in the Pink City.

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