A unique collection of coins put up for auction

“It is an impressive collection in terms of the quantity, quality and rarity of the pieces presented. It’s really spectacular”. Expert numismatist At the Paris Court of Appeal, Thierry Parsy was speechless at the coin collection of Doctor F, a doctor from Lille who died recently and whose family decided to auction his treasure. In more than half a century, he has collected more than 800 pieces which are auctioned on Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 January at
Convent of the Minims from Lille.

“We really have things that we hardly ever see on the market, with very rare pieces in a good state of conservation. There is also all of the documentation of Dr. F who conducted his collection in a scientific manner. All numismatic experts knew him. He bought both at public and private sales. It’s really a typical collection as we almost don’t do anymore, ”recognizes Baptiste Portay, auctioneer.

A collection valued at 1.3 million euros

Since the announcement of the auction, collectors have been making inquiries to acquire pieces of this treasure valued at a minimum of 1.3 million euros. Ancient, royal or foreign coins, Doctor F’s collection spans the ages from the 4th century BC to the 5th Republic. Among the rare coins are highly sought-after royal coins.

“There are in particular the half-louis and the four louis which are coins which only circulated at the gaming table of King Louis XIII and which were reserved only for the king and his court. There is also the test of the shield with the two effigies of Louis XIII and Louis XIV, which we have at the very beginning of the reign of Louis XIV, who was still a child. There is his portrait on one side and the bust of his father on the other side, ”explains Thierry Parsy. Enough to raise the stakes in a sale without equivalent in the sector for years in France.

Switzerland: a Roman numismatic treasure found in an orchard

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