A town hall files a complaint because of a “co-visibility” of wind turbines with its collegiate church

According to the Federation for the Sustainable Environment, bringing together 1,700 associations opposed to wind power in France, the case of Dorat is not isolated, but few mayors have embarked on such procedures. This town located north of Haute-Vienne, announced that it had filed a complaint against X for fraud, complicity and concealment on March 1 because of a “co-visibility” of wind turbines with its collegiate church classified as historical monuments.

While most of the procedures involving town halls in France take place before the administrative courts, the case is this time brought to criminal proceedings, this municipality of 1,500 inhabitants believing that it has been the victim of “fraudulent maneuvers”, as revealed The People of the Center.

“A photomontage (…) may have prompted the granting of the building permit”

The wind turbines, built in 2020, and the collegiate church are visible from the same point of view, from the RD 942, a road axis frequented by up to 5,000 vehicles per day, especially in the summer. However, according to Bruno Schira (DVD), the mayor of the town elected in 2020, the various upstream studies and the building permit had minimized the visual impact of the wind turbines.

The lack of co-visibility with the collegiate, supported by a photomontage, could “encourage the administrative authority and the justice system to grant (…) the building permit”, is it indicated in the complaint. “Only the actual construction of the park made it possible to reveal the infractions”, continues the complaint, evoking “an irreparable attack on this jewel” dating from the 12th century.

No request to dismantle wind turbines

“We are labeled remarkable heritage, underlines the elected official. The development of our town is based on tourism. Seeing the collegiate church and the wind turbines on the same plane is detrimental to us”. At the end of the exploitation, “in 25-30 years, we will ask that they be removed”, added the mayor, ensuring “not to ask for compensation”, nor even that the wind turbines be dismantled immediately.

“We relayed this legal approach to all our associations. Other municipalities could follow suit,” assured the president of the Federation for the Sustainable Environment, Jean-Louis Butré.

Contacted by an AFP correspondent, the promoter of the wind turbines did not react.

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