A touching moment when colorful ice cream trucks follow a colleague’s funeral procession

Heartfelt sympathy
The deceased ice cream truck driver receives a colorful escort from his colleagues at his funeral

Ice cream van in London (symbol image)

© XYZ PICTURES // Picture Alliance

Touching scenes in England: Numerous colleagues of the deceased came to the funeral of an ice cream truck driver with their ice cream truck. A colorful procession drove through the streets.

“King of ice cream” is how Hasan Dervish is affectionately known by his brother. The British tabloid “dailymail.co.uk” writes and reports the death of the ice cream truck owner. The 62-year-old Englishman has become an internet hit because his funeral was very special. Because Dervish’s hearse was accompanied by numerous colleagues – and their ice cream trucks.

Louisa Davies posted a video on Twitter showing the procession. You can see the decorated hearse and eleven colorful ice cream trucks playing their music. It is a touching scene that happened there in south London.

The internet community was deeply moved by the special sympathy. One user wrote: “It’s wonderful for the family to have this video. It must be comforting to see how much their relative was respected and how great the memory was.” Another user sums it up: “A perfect farewell.”

Davies sold her recording on video platforms and promised to donate all proceeds to a charitable organization selected by the family of the deceased. “I would like to express my respect to the family and let them know that this procession has brought joy to a lot of people,” the local woman told the Daily Mail.

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