A text aimed at creating emergency financial aid examined in January at the Assembly

The creation of “universal emergency” financial aid for victims is the whole point of a bill initiated by the Senate on domestic violence. The Senate, dominated by the right, has already validated this text unanimously on October 20. If it is approved in the same terms by the Assembly, it will be definitively adopted. It should be easily adopted.

Carried by the centrist senator Valérie Létard (UDI) and inspired by an experiment carried out in the North, the bill aims to “remove a brake” on the separation of a violent companion, by granting a loan without interest.

An interest-free loan for victims

Initially, the RN group in the Assembly planned to include this text in its reserved day in the hemicycle on January 12.

But the conference of the presidents of the Assembly, which gathers around the president Yaël Braun-Pivet the leaders of the political groups and the presidents of committee in particular, decided to register it rather at the top of the agenda of the “Assembly week” of January 16. The RN did not oppose it.

At the beginning of the week, the Assembly voted in extremis the creation of a court “specialized in domestic violence”. The number of femicides increased by 20% in France in 2021 (122 against 102 in 2020). From January 1, 2022 to mid-November, 100 women have already been killed by the blows of their spouse, according to an associative collective.

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