A tenth uninhibited pleasure offered to fans of extreme gore

“I’m supposed to be dead, but the producers of the saga Saw must have thought they had killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. So they made me come back,” confided Tobin Bell, the interpreter of Jigsaw, to 20 Minutes for the episode Saw 3D in 2010. Thirteen years later, the deadly trap killer is back for Saw X by Kevin Greutert. Now aged 81, the actor reprises his iconic role to hide from some very nasty fake doctors who have the unfortunate idea of ​​wanting to screw him over.

In life, there are two categories of people: those who like gore and those who can’t stand it. The latter are invited to move on but the former will enjoy themselves like so many hungry meat eaters in front of a rare steak with this tenth opus. David Greutert, director of Saw VI (unavoidable pun when you read the title aloud) has fun like crazy multiplying the very twisted traps.

A painful choice

Basically, victims have the choice between dying in a very unpleasant way or depriving themselves of a part of their anatomy that they will really miss. Understand: a limb or part of the brain. They have a limited time to decide while Jigsaw, a psychopath with a tired look, waits for their punishment (dong!). It’s of a nameless wickedness and a violence that makes recent feature-length horror films look like corny ones to be recommended to nursery schools.

Saw X awakens the playful sadist that lies dormant in the viewer who loves horror cinema and proves that in the genre of “ torture porn » (films where the brutal and fictitious scenes are the equivalent of Q sequences in an X-rated film), the saga Saw still has some under the surgical saw!

More gore

“I’m surprised by the fascination surrounding my character, but I don’t find it disturbing. Only people who don’t like horror films take them seriously! » Tobin Bell told us. Saw X, it’s like the sausage fair (pun intended again): we know that we won’t find broccoli in Evian water there and if we don’t like it, we won’t be disgusted by it. not the others. “I think there will probably be other films Saw, especially if it is a success,” declares the director in the press kit. The open ending of Saw X clearly suggests that Jigsaw’s revenge is not over.

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