A ten-year-old girl “massacred” in a schoolyard

The facts occurred on Friday June 7 at the Square Michelet elementary school, in the 9th arrondissement of Marseille. A ten-year-old girl was beaten, kicked and punched by five students. In the middle of the schoolyard.

“Students who witnessed the scene reported that they had hit her head as if it were a ball (…) My daughter was massacred,” the child’s mother told the Figaro. Following this attack, the minor was hospitalized for almost a week, suffering severe head trauma with loss of consciousness and acute stress syndrome.

“Walled in silence”

Since then, “she has been walled in silence and no longer wants to go back to school,” adds her mother, who “even hesitates to move.” She is also awaiting responses from National Education and suspects the school management is “covering up”.

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