A “ten” cases of Omicron variant possible in France, according to Gabriel Attal

The noose is inexorably tightening. While this Sunday morning, Olivier Véran indicated that the detection of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 was “probably only a matter of hours”, the government spokesperson clarified the situation. “We are still at the screening stage. We have several possible cases. About ten. At this stage, we are on possible cases ”, indicated Gabriel Attal on
CNews. And to add: “These diagnoses will be passed to sequencing and we will know in the coming hours if there are positive cases of the variant. “

Regarding people who have just returned from South Africa, the spokesperson said that “we are testing them and looking to see if they are positive for Covid. If they are, we do a screening. We are looking to see if there is a suspicious mutation of the virus in the diagnosis ”. This variant has already been detected in several European countries, including the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany or Belgium.

The effectiveness of the vaccines in question

However, the emergence of the new variant should not lead to a further strengthening of health restrictions “in the short or medium term”. “As I speak to you, whether or not there are one or two or ten cases of people infected with this variant in circulation in Europe, or even in France, does not impact the profile of the epidemic wave that we know. It is a wave which is already linked to a very contagious variant, the Delta variant, ”argued the Minister. Asked about the effectiveness of current vaccines against Omicron, Mr. Véran judged that it was “too early” to comment.

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