A technical problem deprives French people living abroad of voting

A small bug that is likely to be talked about a lot. Hundreds of voters residing abroad would be unable to vote online for the legislative elections, according to information revealed by our colleagues from franceinfo.

Hundreds of voters concerned

Since this Friday noon, many voters living abroad (and registered on the consular electoral lists), can vote online for the first round of the legislative elections. That was without counting the massive computer bug that seems to affect hundreds of them.

Indeed, after having identified themselves and having selected the candidate of their choice, the French concerned by the bug do not receive the validation code supposed to allow them to validate their ballot. No ballot, no vote. No vote, no votes counted.

A mailbox in the viewfinder

Informed of the problem, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs begins an explanation without having an answer to the problem. Indeed, the latter claims that this concern only concerns users of certain mailboxes, and that no solution has yet been found.

The bug “concerns the sending of confirmation emails to voters using a Yahoo email address”, thus affirmed the Quai d’Orsay to our colleagues from Parisian. As a reminder, French people living abroad have until Wednesday June 1 to vote online.

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