a team of thieves specializing in bakery coin acceptors arrested

It’s a nice trick. This Wednesday morning, the Bordeaux prosecutor’s office announced the arrest of a team of criminals specializing in the theft of bakery coin mechanisms. This team, made up of five men and one woman, had robbed no less than 35 businesses throughout the national territory (notably in Nîmes, Banyuls, Pamiers, Montauban, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Annecy) since April 2021.

The thieves still used the same modus operandi according to the investigators. They broke in at night, crawled on the ground to avoid detection, and took cash from bakery cash registers. The speed with which the thefts were carried out and the precautions taken by the perpetrators required prior scouting to target the victims.

Placed in pre-trial detention

The police ended up arresting them after a new journey detected in Haute-Savoie at the end of January. Six individuals were arrested. The specialized interregional jurisdiction (Jirs) of Bordeaux has opened a judicial investigation for “thefts in an organized gang and association of criminals”. All team members were charged and remanded in custody.

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