A stone’s throw from the Capitol, Donald Trump pleads not guilty of “conspiracy” to overturn the election

From our correspondent in the United States,

For the third time in four months, Donald Trump has pleaded “not guilty” in US criminal justice. Charged with “conspiracy to commit fraud against the United States” and “conspiracy to obstruct an official process” aimed at overturning “overthrowing the legitimate results” of the 2020 presidential election, the former president appears in federal court from Washington on Thursday. A stone’s throw from the United States Capitol, which its supporters violently stormed on January 6, 2021, when Congress was meeting to certify the victory of Joe Biden.

Never had a former American president been charged with criminal charges. Now, Donald Trump, who remains the favorite in the Republican primary, faces the threat of three trials that could weigh on the presidential election of November 2024: the first before the courts of New York from next March, in the Stormy Daniels case; the second in federal court in Florida, starting in May, in the White House Archives soap opera; and the third, at an undetermined date in Washington.

The 2024 election as a justice of the peace

This third trial will undoubtedly be the most dangerous for Donald Trump. Of his three indictments, this is the only one that covers his actions while he was president, even as he tries to convince voters to give him a second term.

For Donald Trump, this probable revenge against Joe Biden, on November 5, 2024, could act as a justice of the peace. In the event of victory, he could indeed, in theory, pardon himself and escape a federal prison sentence – but not a conviction by the justice of a State, like that of New York (or in Georgia if it was charged this summer). America’s democratic crisis is far from over.

…/… More information to come on 20 minutes

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