A sport-health program tracks down “excess pounds” and “missing breath” in overweight or frail people

Extra pounds, sinking cardio and the feeling that it’s going to be difficult to regain your health. It is also sometimes difficult to find the motivation to confront your body with those bodybuilders present in a gym, or quite simply to expose yourself in full effort to the gaze of others. In the land of sagging buttocks, overflowing hips and dangling bellies, and consequently of a health that inevitably deteriorates, it is not always easy to find the right accompaniment to get back in the saddle, even less with personalized advice from health and sports professionals, and without necessarily breaking the bank.

To re-motivate while being benevolent, to give everyone the possibility of returning to the game after or before bariatric surgery, a long period without effort or even simply to lose a few extra pounds, this is the concept developed by one of the programs offered by the association Indoor Health in Strasbourg. It also offers exercise activities for people with chronic illnesses, cancer, long-term illnesses, a rare disease, and responds to the problems of high blood pressure or diabetes.

Help with research

Created in 2017, the association, which currently has more than 250 members, was born of a collaboration between the sports educators Aviron Santé, the functional exploration department of the Civil Hospital, the regional center for the fight against cancer Paul -Strauss, the Faculty of Sports Sciences of the University of Strasbourg and doctors specializing in cardiology, endocrinology and bariatric surgery. “Coming from the world of rowing and health sports, we wanted to offer individualized training programs specific to each pathology, explains the director of the association Cyprien Peronet. They are all designed and approved by our founding members: physiologists, sports science teacher-researchers and doctors. »

Sports session by the Indoor Health association in Strasbourg on May 7, 2022 – G. Varela / 20 Minutes

In small groups and in a relaxed atmosphere but with training adapted to everyone, lessons can take place at several sites in Strasbourg, depending on the time slots and the program chosen. In a room at the physio school in Strasbourg, Claire, a nurse by trade, is now a repentant sportswoman who engages a USB key in a rowing machine, equips herself with sensors to monitor and record all training data ( power, distance, heart rate) and hangs on for a series of exercises. All under the benevolent control of Tilia, a sports educator who is also a master’s student in Staps at the University of Strasbourg.

After a “surgery, a few years ago and a pregnancy, explains Claire, some kilos reappeared and the breath disappeared”. So the young woman has been following the overweight program concocted by the association for almost five months. “I especially recovered my breath, welcomes the mother of the family, I could not climb the stairs too much. “In the process, she lost a few pounds. Like Emmanuel who is warming up on another rower, she appreciates “this discreet conviviality, a relaxed atmosphere, and numerous and adapted time slots”. Here, no frills, the equipment is basic, everyone arrives at their own time and launches their program, punctuated by lively music coming from a small radio set.

“It’s a six-month program, with three sessions per week, details the director of the association Cyprien Peronet, with three sessions per week. There may also be workshops focusing on food, hiking trips for volunteers. The activity is adapted to the pathology and physiology of the person. » The data collected during the sessions allow the development or adaptation the programs whose objectives are global prevention in public health.

Programs for other issues are also offered, such as cancers, diabetes, heart disease, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis. Another is in preparation for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To register, it is possible to go through your doctor or to contact the association directly. The cost for the entire six-month program is also reduced and adapted: 165 euros!

If health more than aesthetics is at the heart of the association’s activity, it also involves the desire “not to make its members feel guilty”. Moreover, they do not fit into a care program, but take a license from the national rowing federation, because it is sport in question, not illness.

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