A space debris crosses their house, they demand 80,000 dollars from NASA

As the space sector develops at an increasing speed, the problem of debris linked to satellites or the sending of objects arises. Thus, the request of an American family demanding $80,000 from NASA will perhaps constitute a turning point for many victims. The house of these residents of Naples, Florida, was seriously damaged on March 8 by a space object which pierced the roof.

” I was shaking. I was in complete disbelief. What are the chances that something would land on my house with that force and cause that much damage,” Alejandro Otero told Wink News (CBS). The man was on vacation at the time of this incident, but his son was present in the accommodation. The latter was not injured but remains very shocked.

A shipment of old batteries from the ISS

After analysis, NASA confirmed that the 700 g object came from a shipment of old batteries aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Waste released in 2021 and which the American space agency had assured would return to Earth “without danger”. But instead of disintegrating as expected, a piece “survived” its re-entry into the atmosphere, according to the space agency.

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“My clients are seeking adequate compensation to take into account the stress and impact this event has had on their lives,” said attorney Mica Nguyen Worthy. “They are happy that no one was injured, but if the debris had fallen a few meters in another direction there could have been serious injury or death. »

A decision that could change everything

The request was made as part of a text allowing an appeal to be filed with the government in the event of negligence. If the problem is not resolved this way, then legal action will be possible. The lawyer argues that if the object had fallen on a house abroad, “the United States would have been absolutely obligated to pay for these damages” under an international treaty. “We ask NASA not to apply a different rule for American citizens or residents. »

Especially since “space debris constitutes a real and serious problem due to the increase in space traffic in recent years,” she stressed. NASA has six months to respond to the request. His return will set an important precedent, lawyers say. This decision will form “the foundations on which the legal landscape will be built in this area”.

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