a skeleton discovered on a wooded path in Seine-et-Marne

Investigators will have to work to understand the origin of this case. A skeleton was discovered on Sunday by a teenager in a forest in Champs-sur-Marne in Seine-et-Marne, we learned from a police source and the Meaux prosecutor’s office, confirming information fromNews17.

The body, of which only the bones remain and covered with clothes, partly in decomposition, was discovered around 2:30 p.m. The identity and age of the victim, a man, are not known.

The investigation for the police station of Noisel

A hole of about ten centimeters at the back of the cranial box was found on the remains of the corpse. “The body will be the subject of an autopsy and in-depth forensic analysis,” said Meaux prosecutor Laureline Peyrefitte.

“For the moment, there is no connection with worrying disappearances but all the checks are in progress,” added the magistrate. The Noisiel police station is in charge of the investigation opened for “search for the causes of death”.

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