A shake-up with the heads of the members of the government at a fair in Nupes

In political language, a cabinet reshuffle can also be called a presidential shake-up. But the chamboule-tout is first and foremost a game of swinging balls to knock down a pyramid of tin cans. Campaigning for his re-election to the seat of deputy for the North, Adrien Quatennens (LFI – Nupes) proved with a photo that we could very well mix the two. The deputy’s humorous touch nevertheless sparked a lively controversy on social networks.

Current deputy for the 1st district of the North under the LFI label, Adrien Quatennens did not wait for the opening of the official legislative campaign to pound the pavement in Lille. In particular, he spends a lot of time in the markets distributing Nupes leaflets to voters in a bid to regain his seat. But on Friday, it was not in front of fruit and vegetable stalls that the deputy campaigned. The left-wing alliance on behalf of which he represents himself had organized a “popular fair” in the Lille-Sud district.

“What a bad example of education”

The crowd was there. Families and children with whom Adrien Quatennens shared “moments of joy” as he points out on Twitter. Nupes had notably organized games for the youngest, one of which is the subject of controversy. A mess installed on a camping table whose knockout boxes were decorated with photos of members of the government: Gérald Darmanin, Eric Dupond-Moretti, Emmanuel Macron or his Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne. A poster read “On June 12 and 19, we can bring down the government”.

Except that the joke did not make everyone laugh, as evidenced by the 266 comments under the photo posted by the deputy. “And so, an elected deputy with a senior executive salary finds it intelligent and educational to initiate children to shoot effigies of members of the government”, “that deserves a complaint for incitement to hatred against natural persons”, ” what a bad example of educating children by teaching them not to respect others, not to respect our country, our republic, our institutions”…

And we quote here only the most moderate comments. Moreover, even in his own camp, we doubt the relevance of this game: “I think it’s not a good idea to turn everything upside down. It is with the ideas that it is necessary to convince it seems to me. Not with caricatures, and certainly not with children”, even regrets the campaign director of the PS-Nupes candidate in Colmar, Aïcha Fritsch. Contacted about this by 20 minutesAdrien Quatennens’ team has not yet responded.

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